Deliberative Mapping
Deliberative Mapping enables members of the public and specialists to weigh up evidence in order to reach a joint decision on a complex issue. It combines different methodologies to enable participants to rate different options against a set of criteria, with the aim of delivering a more robust decision that better reflects the values of members of the public.
Community Visioning
Community visioning encompasses a range of approaches that enable members of a community to generate ideas for improving or enhancing the place where they live, and to develop a shared vision and action plan for change as a result.
Participatory Budgeting
Participatory budgeting encompasses a range of methods designed to directly involve citizens in decision making regarding spending and investment priorities for a local budget. The budget will tend to belong to a local council or other statutory body and can range from a neighbourhood level up to a city or national level budget.
Local and Global Civic Innovation Tools
Top Tips For Civic Innovation
Involve key stakeholders
Ensure you involve your key stakeholders
Include everyone who should be included
Depending on who your group is, or who you want to represent when you are engaging with decision-makers, you will need to consider how you are ensuring that you are really enabling all relevant voices to be heard.
Identify champions
It can really help you to engage with a decision maker if you can identify and build a relationship with a 'champion'.